Covid Online Maths Tuition Available

11 Plus Tuition with Kate Stubbs
South Brent, Devon

The 11+ “Verbal Reasoning” exam questions involve word games and code cracking, which could be fun if you didn’t have just a scary 30 seconds in which to answer each question!

11+ “non verbal reasoning” is solving problems involving images and requires practice too.

The maths questions are more straight forward and familiar in style.

A jigsaw puzzle makes formative assessment of rounding fun for this 11+ student.

Kate gives students strategies to enable them to confidently tackle each of the 35 varieties of “Verbal Reasoning” question, in the most time efficient way. Students also improve their spelling, vocabulary, problem solving, organisational and maths skills.

Tips for 11+ preparation

Read as much as you can. Look up any unfamiliar words and learn their spelling. Use them in your writing to widen your vocabulary.
Play word games like scrabble, word searches, countdown and crosswords.
Learn the first few prime, squared and cubed numbers and of course your times table.

Admission procedure varies between schools and frequently changes. To check the latest requirements for your school follow the link below.

How to book 11 plus exams

Customer comments

Angela Croudace
“Good news Josh has passed his 11+. He is really pleased as there were 493 people taking it and 174 places. Quite daunting sitting in a hall full of strangers when he’s used to a school of only 70! The English paper was a formal letter to Boris Johnson discussing ideas on future uses for the Olympic stadium, so it fitted in nicely with work you had done on letter writing! I would like to thank you for helping him as he wouldn’t have coped with it without your assistance, which increased his confidence, especially in his English.”
Tanya Retter
“I just wanted to say great news he has passed...So thank you very much for your help and support over the past 6 months, as he wouldn’t have achieved that without your tutoring!”